Thursday, October 13, 2011

Sneak Peek for Miss E & Miss A {Parker, CO Children and Family Photographer}

Miss A is looking to get into the children's modeling business and wanted to get some fun shots for a portfolio. I was all to happy to help. I suggested to Miss A's momma that if she would like, to bring along her big sister so we could get special images of the two sisters together. I didn't realize at the time that another beautiful young lady graced their home...this one only about to turn one though. This was such a fun little session. I have to thank their momma again for being so patient. These past two weeks I have spent with hit or miss cell phone coverage. It isn't because of the carrier but the phone. 99% of the time I could hear the other end of a telephone conversation, but the other party either heard pure silence or ear piercing static. Either way, it didn't make phone calls an option for me for about 2 weeks. Of course, in the middle of this mess I had this special session scheduled. I got stuck and was running behind. I raced as fast as I could, but they still had to wait for me. I felt horrible, but Ms Momma was all thank you again!

We had such fun with these two! Miss A shows such a flair for personality and Miss E is a picture of such sweetness. It was hard not to want to squish them both in bear hugs when I was leaving. I truly hope I get the opportunity to photograph this pair again...perhaps next time with the entire family, or at least littlest Miss I.

Here are just a few of my favorites...more to come!









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