Saturday, October 08, 2011

Sneak Peek for One Year old Miss L: {Parker, CO Children's Photographer}

This little princess I have had the privilege of photographing since before she took her first breath! I have had so much fun with Miss L. and her momma & daddy. I am always grateful for clients who become friends! We managed to squish in some on location shots in their home as well as heading over to Cottonwood Park and taking advantage of the pretty colors over there.

Miss L.'s momma has also started a business of her own recently. She made the beautiful tutu, the glitzy shoes and the barrett that Miss L. was donning during her session. If you are ever interested in getting in contact with her or buying some of her product, drop me a line and I'll pass your contact info on to her!

So, here are just a few of some of the fun shots we got during our little session!






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