Saturday, October 22, 2011

Sneak Peek for Chang Family {Parker, CO Family Photographer}

So, I have known this family since we moved to Parker a little over 5 years ago now. They are wonderful. Their son has been in the same grade as my oldest daughter for forever and often in the same class. And now, my son is in the same kindergarten class as their cutie pie daughter. Dad is an amazing architectural designer. I don't know if that is his official title, but we had our basement finished last December and he came up with the amazing layout of the entire thing...all 20+ can lights and all! He threw out ideas that we never would have thought of, but are so grateful to have in our layout now.

Anyway, enough about our histories together. Needless to say, I love this crew! So, here are just a select few of some precious images we took of them last week! Enjoy my friends.






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