Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sneak Peek for Miss A. {Senior Portrait Photographer, Parker, CO}

Little did I know when I saw this stunning young woman walking down the street in downtown Parker that she was actually the senior I was to be taking portraits of that day. I really did see her from across the street and thought, 'wow - she is one beautifully striking woman.' Yeah, she's also very funny, laid back and extremely kind. Her dad was in tow and I had a great time hanging out with the two of them for a little while. With an ENTIRE SUITCASE packed with clothing options and plenty of heels, this girl was ready to roll! It was a super fun shoot with WAY too many great shots. But, here are a few of my favorites.

Did I mention, we stopped at Nomelie's Cupcakes while we were shooting and I EVEN GOT ONE! Thank you again Chris for the delectable treat!




 She's a stellar athlete to boot! What else would you do with those LONG legs anyway? :)



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